30 Things To Do At Home

For all my youth + teens who woke up not knowing what to do today, who feel bored or lonely, you are not alone. You are doing your best during these stressful times. Don't be afraid to ask for help, reach out to your friends + loved ones.

I wanted to share a list of 30 things to do while you are home.

  • Work on your yard or outdoor space: Pull up weeds, plant seeds, etc. If you don’t have a yard, tend to indoor plants.

  • Clean your space: Organize your clothes, do some deep cleaning, and listen to music as you do it. Put the things you don’t want in a donation box.

  • Play music/musical instrument: If you have a musical instrument, take it out and play it. If not, create a playlist on YouTube/Spotify that you can come back to. Check out some of these artists.

  • Netflix Watching Party: Check-out this app to watch virtually with family & friends

  • Try Upcycling Something: Create something new out of something you’re about to throw away. See ideas here

  • Dress up: Figure out new outfits from clothes you may have forgotten about. Take selfies in your new look.

  • Watch the sunset or sunrise from start to finish: Time it to see how long it takes.

  • Make a virtual or real collage out of pictures: You can create an album on your phone or make a real photo album.

  • Try learning a new language: Here are some apps to try.

  • Write a letter to someone you miss: You don’t have to give it to them, sometimes just putting your thoughts on paper can help.

  • Watch a motivational talk from someone who inspires you: Here are some to check out.

  • Listen to a podcast: Here are some you might like.

  • Write: Free writing prompts here.

  • Make a time capsule: Here are some ideas to save memories you want to come back to later.

  • Free exercise & workout classes: Click here to see a list

  • Dance party: You can try it with Zumba or you can do a virtual dance party with friends on GoogleHangouts

  • Science Experiments: Do science experiments with things you already have at home

  • Listen to a book: Audible has lots of books free to listen to.

  • Go on a virtual tour: You can see these 12 famous museums for free and from your couch.

  • Go on a virtual field trip: From the zoo to the national parks, you can travel far without leaving the house.

  • Coloring: These coloring books are from some of the top art museums in the world.

  • Find a tutor: College students are offering free tutoring to all students K-12th grade.

  • Watch: Click the link to these videos to learn more about Latino, and Indigenous history, as well as Afrofuturism.

  • Take a free college class: Ivy League colleges are offering 450 free classes online.

  • Make a pillow fort: You’re never too old to make a super cozy space with pillows and blankets.

  • Make art: See this guide to do art at home.

  • Watch: All of these throwback movies and shows are free on Amazon.

  • Download: These free mindfulness apps

  • Call: A friend or loved one to check in on them.

  • Be: Gentle on yourself. You are doing the best you can.

Crisis Resources

In crisis situations where you or someone you know is in immediate danger, dial 911

Crisis text line: Text HOME to 741741

National suicide prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK (24 hour suicide prevention)


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