Ego vs. Confidence

“When ego is lost, limit is lost. You become infinite, kind, and beautiful.”

— Yogi Bhajan

As we look more inward during these times, I wanted to share some practices I use for self-compassion and understanding.

(Take what feels useful/resonates, leave what doesn’t. Everyone is unique.)

My personal understanding of confidence, is that it is a manifestation of self-realization. Confident people seem to know who they are and what they deserve.

I’ve found that accessing the higher self is key in developing confidence. When I say higher self, I mean the part of you that hears your intuition. The part of you that can believe in your own inherent worth. To me, confidence is the attitude of loving yourself, simply because you exist.

If only it was that easy right? Unfortunately, ego often gets in the way. Eckhart Tolle describes ego as the pain body. This can look like internalized oppression and other manifestations of trauma. The historical events in your life that reinforced the idea that you aren’t worthy of love or safety (difficult relationships with parents, bullying, breakups, poverty, racism, etc.).

So, how do you confidently love yourself in the face of ego?

  • Celebrate your resiliency. No matter who you are, you have overcome challenges to get here. This is no small feat.

  • I highly recommend the Power of Now, a book by Eckhart Tolle about how to access your intuitive & higher self.

  • Thoughts become truth. Practicing mindfulness can empower us to reclaim that voice in our head.

  • Gratitude. This helps us to live in the present, and with humility.

  • Know this is a life long process. Be kind to yourself as you unwrap your wounds. You don’t have to do it alone. Healing the ego and pain body is at the crux of my work.


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