Style Personality Quiz

So, I did something I never thought I‘d do...math.

I‘ve never been good it. When I was in school, I remember the teacher writing equations on the board, and I felt like I was looking at hieroglyphics.

So needless to say it’s not my fave. And why am I talking about math in a blog post?

Because I needed it for the project I was working on...a Style Personality Quiz.

If you’re still confused why I’m talking about math, it’s because in order to create the quiz, I had to learn how to code.

Teach myself about numbers??? I honestly thought there was no way.

But, I pushed through with moral support and finished the quiz.

It made me think about how we have created these narratives for ourselves, stale with limiting beliefs. This mindset is usually internalized from societal oppression oppression and past traumas.

Yet, we actually have the power to reclaim our own story!

Flip the script, and imagine yourself as the author not the main character. See what happens when your perspective changes (Head to my YouTube for a video about how to do this).

So any way, all this to say, you really CAN do whatever you set your mind to.

And finally, the Style Personality Quiz is now live!


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